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2024-03-11 05:37:36

thoughts in your head are just a biological function just like you breathe your lungs are tasked with the
taking oxygen into your blood and taking c o two out of your blood
your brain is is tasked with the idea of providing you comprehension of the real world in the only building blocks you know how to understand after you've learned the words right so once once we start to comprehend the world around us in the form of words
you need to start continuing to look at the world this way you cannot observe the world silently and make a decision unfortunately unfortunately your brain is constantly translating that into
language right and so if you if you get a thought that's a little crazy that doesn't mean you're crazy
it's just a thought presented to you can tell your brain hey thanks brain i realised by the way that you're not me i hit i realize you're doing your biological function very well thanks for presenting this idea can you bring me a better idea if you make that separation your your view of the world will never be the same again