If you do these three things you wake up leaner

1) Fast for the first 5 hours. This makes eating at a deficit much easier. Boosts growth hormone and builds discipline

2) Hit 13 calories per pound of goal bodyweight and 0.8g of protein per pound of goal bodyweight.

3) Walk.. 10,000 steps per day is good. 12-14,000 steps and you become a fat burning machine.

Of course, to maintain muscle you must lift heavy weights two times per week!
Avatar of gregogallagher


2024-03-04 18:30:47

so the only three things you must do if you want to get lean the first one is fast for the first five hours of the day when i fast it allows me to eat bigger meals and get leaned that makes dieting effortless so you want a
the first five hours wake up at eight you're going to want p secondly you must hit the correct calories i don't care for eating carnivores or pop tarts i don't care for eating high carb or high fat you must hit the correct amount of calories how many thirteen hours per pound of gold bodyweight these really really where you want to be and finally the third one most of us today we sit down at work we sit down at our car we sit down to watch movies we sit down way too much if you want to turn yourself into a fat burning machine you must walk a great spot is ten thousand steps per day even better is twelve to fourteen thousand that's going to become a fat burning machine so if you fast it your calories and get your steps in every single day you will get lean so easily