Did you know this? 🤯 This guy named Santos Bonacci exposes money.

#money #currency #debt #bank #reels
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2024-03-17 16:03:59

every time you go and pay your utilities you are compounding the national debt do you realise that i don't think you realised that you feel your kind of life and moving oh this guy's now i'm not yeah you must understand brother you must understand every time you use that cash that is blood money stop federal reserve neither does anyone got
you aren't
going to jack on the life man i don't go to jail they can put those but mr santo binoche in jail if they wanted to
read here folks
want to read read here
legal tender this is not money this is useless
dead note and it's blood money name owned by the rothschilds one family or friends learn how to pay make promissory notes
and discharge a debt with with the proper promissory notes
these are legal tender this is fraud