حقیقت اینه لازم نیست بدونی چگونه... تو فقط باید نقطه پایان رو در نظر بگیری و ایمان داشته باشی که به مقصدت میرسی_درباره چگونگیش نگران نباش، باور داشته باش که تحت مراقبت خداوندی
تنها کاری که باید بکنی اینه که از نظر احساسی غرق در نتیجه پایانی بشی، وقتی مدام این کارو بکنی مسیر مشخص خواهد شد و یک سری اتفاقات در مسیرت قرار میگیره که باعث رشد تو میشه و نهایتا تو رو به خواسته ت میرسونه 👑
تو پـای به راه درنــه و هیـــچ مـپرس. خـود راه بگویدت که چـون باید رفت
Speaker 🗣: Myles munroe

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2024-03-10 04:36:56

god would show you your vision but never tell you how you're gonna get
and there's a reason why
because your vision is a glimpse of your end
between the end and where you are is called the plan
the plan is the process
that takes you to your destination
gonna tell you your end like you showed jones show joseph the the throne he's sitting on the throne ruling feeding his brothers that's the end
god showed you your initial each one of you you're and everybody got a dream
but never tells you the plan why because of the inventory plan you tell them forget the destination
because the plan
is to prepare you for the destination
so he takes it all these different chains to develop you
it goes knew that he had gone to a fifth and prison to get to that throne o god forget to full
so your plan is secret to go
right now where you aren't may not be where you want to be but it's part of the plan
if you lost your house or you lost your spouse
or baby died don't don't panic
is all part of the process god's working on character development patience development visually
it preparing you for it prepared for you