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Avatar of ir_hustlers


2024-03-09 11:36:29

how to go from average to fortune there's five simple steps
you might like to make a note of here's the first one
get serious you don't have to be grim
but you must be serious i know a guy that's got half a dozen jokes keeping them from becoming wealthy
he's not known as rich
he's known as a joke
which i guess is okay if that's the kind of life you want to live but it really isn't the best way to live to go from average to fortune you must get serious and you must get serious about two very important things number one is setting your goals and where you want to go
designing the next five next ten years is so vitally important then you have to get serious about another important subject
and that important subject is called personal development personal development is striving hard to become the kind of person that you want to
ten years from now you will surely become someone the big question is who