Is just faith enough to get you into heaven? Click link in bio for latest big debate! #faith #heaven #questionoftheday #spiritualbeing
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2024-03-18 01:49:14

so let's assume that somebody does have a faith in jesus okay but there
they drink beer and they smoke pot or they're gay or they lie every once in a while to their parents because they don't want the funds to stop right
are they going to hell okay good questions i'm very confused regression not erase a great question
if i say to you
i'd really like to be your friend
twenty years from now
you know i'm probably jerking you around
if i say to you i'd really like to be your friend and that i steal your watch
or i'm probably jerking you around
if i say i really want to be your friend
it's going to be shown the way i treat you
if i say jesus i really trusted
i'm gonna do my own thing i could care less what you say
and the evidences i don't really believe in him i don't really trust him i'm just jerking him around
but as you and i develop a friendship
maybe i'm gonna get tick-tock you at some point
and call you a dirty name
that's not a statement that i don't really want to be your friend it's a statement that i've got a problem with my temper and lost my temper witness so i'll turn back to assembly sorry would you please forgive me
will the same thing to a christian
i've put my faith in jesus but i still sin but the point is i hate my sin and i turned back to jesus for forgiveness and he forgives me
now the question is am i a hypocrite
as you can see the only two who know that
jesus and me