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«۵ روش برای محافظت از خود
در برابر انرژی منفی دیگران.»
“اریک هو”

#انرژی_مثبت #انرژی #انرژی_مثبت
Avatar of zehneghodratmand


2024-03-18 02:49:15

five ways to protect yourself from negative energies the first way is reduce eye contact
eyes are the key to the soul when you look deep into people's eyes you absorb the energies
second point
when there is negativity firing at you
focus on the breath out when you breathe out you create a energy shield
that blocks that energy from coming in
step number three
place palms downwards facing when palms upwards facing we are in receiving mode step four allow yourself to do himalayan salt baths it helps cleanse and clear and also protect your energy field
step five
stay away from negativity