This is why you bring a dude 😆 @funkbrosauto @montygeer @thejaviergabriel #viral #fyp
Avatar of eva.pepaj


2024-03-08 21:20:22

someone hit my mirror can you fix it
oh i yeah we've got fifty inches fifty inches yeah
ooh that's good to hear that
here that yeah oh
oh these are bad too okay we'll get it
ready for more with this amount of damage you know what ah monte let's call bob lee roy jim tomlinson emergency we're gonna be here all day yeah you got but
thank you so much you know there's not a one day
thank you guys absolutely
alright let's get some much right
we should just go
grab some tools
you fix
wow yeah we we had to add some new tires and an exhaust pipe but we've got to fix exhaust pipe it's an electric car yeah that was the main issue took forever
yeah that's what that was the problem