Emmanuel Nwude, also known as Owelle of Abagana, orchestrated a historic banking fraud by selling a non-existent airport to an international bank.

Nwude posed as an influential Nigerian banker, convincing Banco Noroeste’s director to invest $242 million in a new airport in Abuja, Nigeria.

The scam involved accomplices and convoluted transactions, resulting in a massive loss for the bank.
After a complex legal process, Nwude and his accomplices were arrested, convicted, and sentenced to prison, with some assets returned to the bank.

Nwude’s attempts to recover his assets post-release faced legal hurdles, and he later claimed not to have been aware of the $242 million scam.

🎥 : @joerogan
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2024-03-08 07:20:12

but the guy who sold a fucking airport that didn't exist
to japan really remember that one nigerian dude sold a fucking airport wasn't a real airport were waiting yeah the only people that were like buildings or airbnbs but as a fucking airport airport two hundred and forty two million fuck off sold a fake airport for two hundred forty two
how do you do that it's fucking nigeria