hello my name is lindsey graham and i am a cat
meow meow
i'm not a woman dressed as a cat i am a cat one look at me and you know this to be true i am a woman posing as a cat
you may also think correctly that if i truly believe on the cat i have a mental disorder
if i suffer from a mental disorder and if i'm unable to discern reality am i safe to be around children
would you put me in charge of making critical decisions about the safety and wellbeing of children
and about the direction of their education when i cannot even discern truth from fiction
no tail whiskers or outfit makes me a cat
just like no lipstick high heels or long hair
makes him a woman
do you believe that the actions of a grown man playing dress up as a woman affects the students and staff positively or negatively if you were to address me as a cat right now
it's as ridiculous as when you say miss bixler
and a grown man's voice comes stuttering over this big tube