He never got married or had any kids 😳
Avatar of michael_barayev


2024-03-12 21:08:35

you never got married and never had kids no so why did you choose not to get married and have children everybody picks her spots in life a lot of my friends divorced and they got some real headaches in their life so when i look at that i don't have too much gray hair at least in that regard do you regret not having kids and having a family generally yes who's going to take care of you and when you get old
your children are generally speaking that's the way it works i'll probably have to find a nursing home that type of thing let me ask you this are you happy
to great degree i am got a great network of friends that's the key to life staying connected with your friends means so much i found that to work real well for me in my case i never had a wife never had any kids and i could do a lot
in my lifetime wow so you're