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2024-03-16 11:01:30

you respect putin i do respect them
well i respect a lot of people
but that doesn't mean i'm gonna get along with them he's a leader of his country
i say it's better to get along with russia than not and if russia helps us in the fight against isis which is a major fight and islamic
all over the world right major fight that's a good thing will i get along with them i have no idea because the killer though putin's a killer
a lot of killers made a lot of killers why you think our country's so innocent
you think our country's so innocent
i don't know of any government leaders that are killers and
take a look at what we've done to
make a lot of mistakes i've been against the war in iraq from the beginning mistakes are different than a lot of mistakes okay but a lot of people were killed so
lot of killers around believe