این ویدیو رو سیو کنید تا اگر احساسات منفی داشتید این روش رو امتحان کنید🤍
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2024-03-06 04:31:10

yeah teach you how to release a negative emotion in less than sixty seconds
are you ready to choose a negative emotion you wish to release this can be anger fear sadness i recommend you start with frustration because we all know and feel frustration regularly don't we
now close your eyes and imagine where in your body that emotion
is sitting
is it in your chest is it in your belly is it in your head is it in your shoulders
and now i want you to give that emotion
a shape
what shape is it
is it a triangle square
circle of diamond and what color is that
given a color now i want you to imagine that shape spinning and you can spin it either counterclockwise
or clockwise now take that shape out of your body
and put it out in front of you
now as you're looking at the shapes spinning in front of you
in the opposite direction that it was spending in your body
what color and shape is it now
make it different
make it a different shape and get a different color or you're gonna take that shape you're going to put it back in your body
in the exact same place than it was before
and you're gonna lock it in
like that
and now open your eyes and try to feel that old emotion is it there
or has it disappeared