[SHARE↗️] stack value vs. a small price (tag every friend in sales below)
Avatar of danielg


2024-03-12 07:08:14

ah cause anybody anytime anywhere who make money in simple show you guys how to it go your calculator what's the highest price your program one thousand five hundred fifteen hundred divided by three sixty five guys your product costs four dollars and ten cents every single day this how you're gonna close the claw hey mr prospect the price of our product is four dollars and ten cents every single thing you remember the last time you spent four dollars and ten cents ah probably want to fucking slice of pizza what you're going to get every single day the mentorship service the trading events the backend platform the community the ability to travel the opportunity to eventually transition from your current job what do you feel like is more valuable those twenty five things that i just listed all our fricking pizza slice yeah well of course that sign close close that easy it's not every single time mary garcia can slice a pizza they're thinking about your business eventually they call you in the sledge do business