راز موفقیت ایلان ماسک از زبان همسرش !🙄 @bigmind.mag مهارت نه گفتن یکی از اصلی ترین مهارت هاییه که هر آدمی باید اونو به خوبی بلد باشه ! چون این مهارت توی مدیریت زمان ، برنامه ریزی و هدفگذاری خیلی کمک تون میکنه و باعث اتلاف وقت کمتر و پیشرفت سریعتر شما میشه 👌🏼 آموزش این مهارت رو تو پست های قبل گفتیم 😍
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2024-03-16 07:16:17

was married
to men who became
extremely successful
and as i watched him rise i noticed two things
he worked very hard
much harder than your average bear
and he said no a lot
you said no to people who wanted his time and attention and energy
you said no in a way that protected his resources so that he could channel them toward his own goals and i realized that behind every no is a deeper yes to whatever it is that you do want
know it's like a bright line
that when used properly
marks off where you end
and others begin