number one rule of wall street
okay for warren buffet or if you're jimmy buffett nobody knows if a stock is gonna go up down sideways or in fucking circles least of all stockbrokers
is all forgotten you know what if guys news
daisy itself fake every easy for gazi to was italia to
fairy dust it doesn't exist it's never landed it is no matter it's not on the elemental chart
it's not looking real
stay with me
we don't create shit
we don't build anything
so if you've got a client
bought stock at eight
and it now sits at sixteen days are fucking happy he wants to cash in liquidate take his book of money and run home you don't let him do that
because that would make it real right now what do you do
you get another brilliant idea
another situation another stock
to reinvest his earnings and then
and he will every single time as they're fucking addicted
many just keep doing this again again
and again meanwhile
he thinks he's getting shit rich which he is on paper
but you and me the brokers
we're taking home cold hard cash via commission of the docker