i am going to make my sons
work from three four five years old i'm gonna have the boxing training
i'm not gonna buy them nice clothes
if i have a younger son and an older son
it's gonna be the same system as me and andrew head the the clothes and the shoes get passed down and be downs i'm not gonna buy them anything i'm going to make it very clear that i am rich and they are poor
and if they want to be rich they're going to have to go through what i went through recording ramsay the tv chef this is just one example
but he makes his kids fly in economy and flies first class with his wife my daughters maybe can sit in first class
my sons are back in economy if i take them anywhere ever
but they're paying for their own plane tickets i'm just going to be really really hard of trauma and stress and pressure helps build men into better people so i'm gonna put that trauma stress and pressure on my son