if i only had a thousand dollars to my name
maverick if i only had fifty dollars to my name and i needed to turn it into fifty thousand dollars
in my bank account by the end of thirty days
here's exactly what i'm doing
see this right here
town hall maybe town hall that's gonna give me a bunch of money
lot of it
because all i had to do
is get a code violations list they're gonna hand it to me
because that's a bunch of people who don't take care of their property
that they're saying yo you owe me money because your property doesn't look good makes my town look bad
when i come in there and i say yo i want to buy these houses up and make them look nice
they're going to give me that list for free
with shit
the fuck is this
what the fuck is that that's exactly what the don official is gonna say before he hands them
a three hundred dollar fine saying yo fix the shit i'm gonna keep finding
i'd say i use the script i negotiate a good deal on that property i get them under what's called a purchase and sale contract for
one hundred fifty thousand dollars i find a buyer who's gonna fix and flip this place for two hundred thousand dollars
and then i bring those two contracts to a title company and they cut me a check for fifty thousand dollars and i just paid on thin air
and that's my full-time job
is to look for that shit now using you're gonna do i guarantee it because you're a sheep most likely you're gonna see houses like this every day on your way to your nine-to-five job that you hate
and you are going to ignore them instead of literally doing exactly what i told you to do in thirty second state fifty g's get back to it