The majority of the people I see talking about “millionaire habits” developed their weird personal hygiene habits AFTER they made their money.

Then everyone thinks they need a 3hr morning routine to get rich.

You don’t.

You just need to sell shit people want. Many times.
Avatar of hormozi


2024-03-16 16:31:42

the best morning routines i can recommend to any person on earth is that you wake up and you decrease the time between when you wake up and when you start working we have a bunch of buddies mutual that have exited companies for hundreds of millions of dollars and then they get like really obsessed with their health and they have these massive morning routines and they just get up saturday and all these supplements and red lights on us everyone who's watching says oh this person successful this is what they do i should do that but what got them there is not what they're doing now right right so it's going to model the rise and so a lot of times the rises a lot of imbalance there were absolutely tradeoffs and it's just whether or not you're willing to pay the price for it if the nikes that you want on the wall are five hundred dollars that is the price you can just choose to pay it or not but if you choose to pay the five hundred dollars for the nikes you don't then say this was unhealthy you just make the trade that's where a lot of people spent all this time analyzing themselves like feeling about their feelings thinking about their thoughts rather than just executing