از عجایب ژاپن 😂😂
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2024-03-11 10:07:42

i'm in tokyo japan and i'm going to rent to girlfriend this go and meet my future wife right now hello nice to meet you
how are you
you look very beautiful oh
how long
have you been doing the renting mcguffin
three is wow
you this your job
you have no other job or you have other jobs i'm a
student students ah go into
a rabbit slash
mouse cafe
good another
he likes he likes massage yes oh really oh he's running away
isn't isn't doesn't make me
isn't that the cutest thing ever
do you have
other boyfriend
know you're thinking oh okay
only on a year of course of course alright so we've ordered in this moody lighted restaurant is very romantic
we just need a candle and then it's like
a romantic dinner for two
everyone has got their curtains closed because they like to keep the privacy
this is like a very normal and japan with
these curtains
it's not in in england no cotton
it's cool