ایلان ماسک مردمی ترین میلیاردر؟
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#ایلان_ماسک #بیل_گیتس #ایلان_ماسک #بیل_گیتس
Avatar of eloon.musk.ir


2024-03-17 03:32:03

hey bill
welcome to shelbyville
can we get a quick photo place
on the way out
on the way out bill
because the
nobel peace prize
but it
deserves an adult this place
which isn't
to thick because of my korea situation you've got
nothing not one to judge
that but
i think it may be premature to judge the austrians
most or anyone subsidies by
how real is it random artificial intelligence
will come to be seen as
one of the biggest
issues really what can the average person do that doesn't have a lot of money to tide yourselves against
i think we should have some
regulation some oversights
that's cool it's incredible
people comparing two
people compared to tony stark do you like it
maybe they
have a great night thank you for your time