yes yeah white rice not brown brown rice is bad for you god it's like the complete opposite of everything that we learned this because some guy in the seventies was like because fiber yeah brown rice has a whole bunch of lectins it shreds your gut and it's got eighty times more arsenic than white rice that's why every rice eating culture on the planet peals their rice unless you're too poor to appeal your rice so the fact that some kind of self-loathing long distance runner in the seventy s told you you know a whole bunch of fiber and whole foods whatever that means it doesn't work that's what made me fat i was also a raw vegan by the way like i was a devout vegan has done the whole thing yeah it gave me worse arthritis giving more utter immunity it gave me terrible joint pain and broke teeth eighty percent of people go vegan quit because it makes them sick and it can take years to recover so don't do that