Want to be more magnetic in your interactions? 🧲 Pay attention, care a little less, and remember, sometimes, less talking and more listening speaks volumes. #AuthenticConnection #selfhypnosis #subconsciousmind #subconsciousreprogramming #manifestation #LawofAttraction
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2024-03-17 22:04:09

how to be more magnetic there are few easy ways the first one is pay attention when your present and paying attention to people you seem interested and they'll be interested in you the second one is to care less you ever noticed when someone is less attached how much more you want to be with them the third one is make soft eye contact what i mean by soft eye-contact is don't stare at someone but don't shy away from making eye contact and the last one is simply listen more when you find that you're listening more than talking you'll see that it makes an impact