i'm not perfect and i don't claim to be i have insecurities i get jealous i overthink everything i have trust issues and some days i don't think i'm good enough that's who i am
i'm not afraid to admit it
but at the same time i am amazing in many ways too
i have a huge heart with a lot of scars
a soul that's been through hell and back
not every day as my best
some days i mess up
what i learned from them
i want to grow and be the best version of myself
life is a journey
and it's okay to have flaws and imperfections they make me who i am
and i embraced both the struggles and strengths that shaped my character
i'm a work in progress
constantly evolving
and i believe that self-awareness and the willingness to learn and grow are the keys to becoming a better more resilient person
so remember
it's all right not to be perfect it's more important to be real and to strive for personal growth and self-improvement
embrace your imperfections as opportunities for growth and self-discovery
are all beautifully imperfect in our unique ways
and that's what makes us human