سفر به مریخ ، پرخطر تر از اون چیزی هست که ما فکرشو میکنیم !

🎥 Credit: YouTube/Axios
📅 2018
#مریخ #ایلان_ماسک #فضا #ثروتمند #سفر_به_مریخ #مریخ #ایلان_ماسک #فضا #ثروتمند #سفر_به_مریخ
Avatar of eloon.musk.ir


2024-03-09 07:20:28

you're forty seven
what is the likelihood that you personally will go to
seventy percent
this could be an escape hatch for rich people
as a good chance of death
going in a little can through deep space you might land successfully you'll be working nonstop treble the bass
series you're not not much time for leisure
and once you get there even after all this
is a very harsh environment to use chassis die they're
really think you can come back but we're not sure
how does that sound like an escape hatch for rich people