مطمئنی آروزی خوشحالی همیشگی برای جهان داری ؟؟!

📆 2023
🎥 Credit : YouTube/Lex Fridman
#ایلان_ماسک #صلح #خوشحالی #ایلان_ماسک #صلح #خوشحالی
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2024-03-18 10:04:23

you wish for no war you should be careful yours
is better to live a world where everyone is happy all the time even if that happened this happiness is artificial
good question do you wish for world peace and and happiness all the time are you sure because that might be decided as essentially sterile and ossified that never changes that is ultimately doomed
you know you could sort of run a sort of
habit sort of like if you wish for world peace sounds good but houses enforced at what cost eternal peace it might actually be worse to have total peace because of what that would entail the suppression of everyone it might be the suppression of progress because what's required in order to put this