My Life Story | Crème de la Crème: The amount of talent at MIT was immense and it was underscored early on when the dean walked into a classroom and asked everyone who graduated No. 1 in their class to raise their hand. After graduating first, I raised my hand, then looked around the room to see all of my new classmates with their hands in the air. 

With that, he reminded us only one student would be able to stake that claim when we graduated, and it reinforced I was truly learning among the best in the world.  

I never took my classmates for granted, and as I became an entrepreneur, many of my best colleagues were MIT grads.  

Stay tuned for the next chapter in My Life Story!
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2024-03-12 04:53:12

of course even in india everyone knew that mit was considered the best engineering school in the world and that's why i applied there
but i got a taste of just how good
the kids that were
we want a room
and the dean walked in and said
how many or few graduated first in your class
why have graduated first in my class but the whole room
everyone put their hand up
and so then the dean said well you do understand
that after four years only one person will be able to put their hand up
and so that really underscored for me that this was the you know the criminal apparent
these were the best students in the world
they were just amazing
kids and one of the greatest
benefits of going to a place like mit
is that you get to know some incredible people so later on when i became an entrepreneur
they join me and many of my best colleagues
were classmates of mine from mit