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#bookrecommendations #medstudent #medicalschool
Avatar of read2rise_


2024-03-16 09:46:22

five books that contain more knowledge than a medical degree
a crack in creation by nobel prize winner jennifer doudna
she discovered possibly the most influential technology of our time and talks about the potential to cure all disease
and the possible implications on the human race
the diet myth by some spectre the real science behind what we eat
he talks about why diets fail
and you'd be shocked to see the real reason
i'll give you a little hint it's all to do with your microbiome
the body by bill bryson a beautifully written book
in easy to understand language that shows you how magnificent your body actually is
and once you understand what a precious machine disease it becomes way easier to take care of your body
lifespan written by the head of genetics at harvard dr david sinclair
here he speaks about his experiments on mice stopping the aging process and even reversing it
he also states that it's going to be possible in humans work continues
behave by robert supposed key my all-time favorite science book he speaks about the neurobiology evolution culture
environment absolutely any factor you can imagine relating human behavior and how it developed
a very fascinating read but a little bit of a long book it was a struggle to get through this one but one hundred percent worth it