بنظرتون اگه مدرسه ها مثل این مدرسه ایلان بود، دنیا چقدر پیشرفت میکرد ؟!

ایلان ماسک:” مثلا در آموزش داد موتور در مدرسه عادی و سنتی ، یه درس درمورد پیچ گوشتی یه در درمورد آچار و ... یاد میدن، این راه سخت تری برای آموزش دادنه!راه بهترش اینه که اینجا یه موتور هست، حالا بیاید بازش کنیم، چجوری قراره بازش کنیم؟ شما اینجا به پیچ گوشتی نیاز دارید، آچار هم برای اینکار استفاده میشه. اینجوری ارتباط بین ابزارها یاد داده میشه”


#مدرسه #ایلان_ماسک #آموزش #مدرسه #ایلان_ماسک #آموزش
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2024-03-10 10:22:08

would you educate your five boys so i created a little school
small it's only got fourteen kids now and it'll have twenty kids in september it's called ad astra which means to the stars there aren't any graves there's no there's no like no grade one grade two or three type of thing
i'm making all the children go
and in the same grade at the same time like an assembly line for some people love english or languages some people love math some people like music and and different abilities different times it makes more sense to to cater the education to match their aptitudes and abilities saying that's one principle
another is that it's important to teach
teach problem solving or teach to the problem not to the tools i mean the kids really love going to school i think that's a
good sign you know i mean i hated going school when i was a teacher it was torture they actually think vacations are too long
like they want to go back to school
yeah exactly