men have difficulty with women who are completely out of control what
sort of woman what is this creature how would we know when we met one
i'm sure that you've met women in your life that acted towards you and bullying and detestable manner it's very difficult for women to cope with it because they don't have any real recourse and female bullying can be unbelievably vicious takes the shape of reputation destruction innuendo and gossip so because people look at aggressive and antisocial behavior in women and in men
and in women intends to take the expression of innuendo gossip and reputation destruction and in men it takes tends to take the form of outright physical aggression there's a whole literature on that this has been known for thirty years i mean look women have to express aggression somehow unless you're willing to say that they're not aggressive they tend not to do it physically
not to the degree men do so they use other channels and what other channels are there other than physical aggression if you're going to be aggressive
while you go after people verbally you go after them within you endo and gossip and reputation destruction