هشداری که ایلان به مردم داده بود و هیچکس توجه نکرد !

🎥 Credit: Spotify/The Joe Rgan Expreince
📅 2023
#دکتر #ایلان_ماسک #اشتباه #جو_روگان #دکتر #ایلان_ماسک #اشتباه #جو_روگان
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2024-03-17 18:19:02

ah cool doctors and wu han and said what are the biggest mistakes that you made on the first wave there's early on
and they said we put far too many people on integrated ventilators
so the nice i actually posted on twitter at the time said heya
i'm what i'm hearing forehand is that they made a big mistake in putting people on innovative analysts for an extended period
and that this this is actually what is damaging the lungs not covert it's the treatment is the cure is worse than the disease
and the
pure yelled at me and said i'm not a doctor i'm like yeah but i do make spaceships with life support systems what do you do
it was there was this very bizarre narrative
that you had to believe everything the government was telling you you have to believe everything the cdc was telling you
and that
even as it time went on and we realised hey it looks like this came from a fucking lab
like even as time went on
disputing that would get you banned would get you kicked off youtube