Why this selling pitch doesn't work🙅‍♂️
Avatar of kaylalivingboldly


2024-03-09 18:51:41

tell me anything about
mr robert of course you need to think about i haven't given you enough information not to think about what i'd like to do is give you quit fighting the proposal of older numbers so when you go home to get something to think about that be
okay the reason why this doesn't work is because you just said of course you need to think about it i haven't given you enough information to be able to think about it as a sales rep as in sales
it is your job not to give the prospect information like that is
old school
era of selling what a sales rep job is is to be able to ask enough questions to develop a large enough gap where this person is to where they want to be and then help build enough tension in their body enough urgency for this person to want to close the gap by making a change by buying your product or service today if they say that they need think about it it's because you haven't built a large enough gap