Money won’t save you… It will simply AMPLIFY your coping mechanisms! ⚠️⁣

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2024-03-09 05:20:27

i think making a lot of money will make you happy know
what's a lot of money going to do
it's gonna give you more resources to cope with yourself
instead of drinking cheap vodka from cbs you can now afford top shelf
and said of playing a playstation game you can now travel to a yacht
but guess what you're still escaping yourself you can try this as a challenge go home
sit down
and don't distract yourself
don't go to your phone don't put some music on don't put some tv on just sit there with yourself in silence
and just see what starts bubbling up
and that voice will start getting louder and louder and meaner and meaner it'll be insane but that's why we get home after work or like quickly the music before the voice kicks in the tv before the voice kicks in