Listen closely, THIS is what I’ve learned about deciphering between a winning CEO and complete loser. You want to know if you have what it takes? It all comes down to your ability to execute and ignore all the noise!
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2024-03-11 06:07:36

as far as executioner skills here's what i've learned
the hard way
great ideas are a dime a dozen
execution skills you can't find them anywhere
they're so hard to find
to find a ceo man or woman that can actually execute
knows how to pivot and knows how
distill the signal from the noise
that's one hundred people
that's maybe one hundred thousand people
and i've met them all
and so i've whacked so many ceos in my career because i realized after twenty four thirty six months
they can't distill the signal from the noise they chase the noise all day long and they missed the signal
it's that simple they can't do it
they don't have the guts to do it
and they don't listen for it
and they're not good at it
and they have to be whacked
for the sake of their own shares
the way i win these arguments with them say you still have stock
you want us to be worth something
let me fire
i'll take you behind the bar and this misery will be over for you but use keep your stock and i'll make it worth something one day
that is the right way that's the that's the humane thing to do
to a crappy ceo