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2024-03-08 01:20:09

it is god what is god is god so good is an energy that he's used to create something seen souls right yes
have you got energy in them okay
so let's say you took away the god energy from
day we've just become nothing
feel it's fuel
that's fascinated me and asked stuff you can't pray to it you can yeah you can
convene so she is if someone doesn't believe in god then i guess you don't believe in yourself because basically
every single living thing not even living through every single atom every single piece of energy is made from that from the gods source wow this is fascinating so what is the god source what is eastern time itself is created from that
that's amazing what is the god source book like does it look like a person what does like
edges just looks like what's in front of it just looks like what they're looking at little lot of people say that it looks like a bright light normally it looks like a bright light
but if a human were to look at it it would just be in this so when you pass away what can it look like oh and like i say a break
a bright orb