Why Richard Branson’s the Billionaire every other Billionaire wants to be like
Avatar of danmartell


2024-03-10 16:07:16

there's the billionaire every billionaire wants to be like richard branson has four hundred companies in the virgin group of businesses i wanted to understand how he thought about scale and leverage i got a cold email from my buddy hey dan getting together with richard branson and verbier switzerland do you want to join of course i want to join and this is what i saw that i didn't expect anything that came into his life went through his assistant helen and every morning for breakfast would sit there for sixty to ninety minutes she would review only the things that she didn't know how to deal with and then the rest of the day he came skiing with us that's how he ran four hundred companies your inbox is nothing more than a public to do list of other people's goals on your time and you allow yourself to be addicted to that