بهترین روش برای مقابله با کنجکاوی و سوالات آزاردهنده دیگران، زیر سوال بردنِ سوالشونه.. اینجور وقتا آرامشتون رو حفظ کنید و بگید..
«چرا می‌خوای بدونی؟» «چرا همچین چیزی پرسیدی؟»
ما موظف نیستیم به هر سوالی جواب بدیم! مخصوصا سوال‌هایی که شخصی و جزو حریم خصوصی ماست.🤍🌱
Avatar of ravane_salamat


2024-03-07 04:31:40

people are going to say the most messed up things to you
they're gonna ask you the most inappropriate questions and where's the person you brought to last year's gathering right like why did you get a divorce
oh i heard you had a miscarriage
literally people will say this to your face but one of my
favorite responses is
you can literally you question the questioners question
according to caution
when someone is asking us a question they're dominating us they're the dumb and we're the sub in that moment when you flip that script and you say to the person who just asked you about your miscarriage
why would you want to know that
you question their question or
my favorite of hers is
why would you ask me that